Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Benefits and Types of Business Insurance

Business insurance is an extremely important piece of the overall puzzle of business ownership. Like with any form of insurance, this type of protection will be there to help you cover unexpected and unwanted costs, accidents, unique events that suddenly arise, and more. At the end of the day, being protected can be the difference between staying afloat or going bankrupt, and that's a chance that you cannot take.

Some of the foremost kinds of business insurance which are available cover issues such as general liability, property protection, and worker's compensation. These will help guard against the typical unforeseen kinds of circumstances which can arise anytime, anywhere, and could end up sticking you with bills you couldn't reasonably afford.

Another area you might want to protect your business from is general crime, including theft, vandalism, and more. Should merchandise, computers or other items be stolen, you can have those replaced without having to pay for them, for example. Businesses are often targeted by criminals, and you should be thinking about that ahead of time before you get stuck with an unexpected bill.

Of course, different industries also have their own unique kinds of business insurances, some of which may be required by law, and others of which might be strongly recommended. For example, commercial fishing businesses have their own insurance needs, as do inland marine businesses, home builders or contractors, delivery services and other businesses using commercial vehicles, and on down the line. If you own or operate a garage, that's another situation where a specific type of insurance for your business will be needed.

Liquor liability is also an extremely important part of business insurance. If you operate a bar or restaurant, you need to make sure that you provide people with liquor responsibly, that you have the right licenses, and the right insurance to back you up. It's essential that you get the right kind of business insurance and protection for the field that you're in and the unique circumstances of your business operation.

The bottom line is that just as you should protect yourself, your family and your home with insurance, you should also be protecting your business. You may legally be required to obtain certain protections, or you might want to do so out of your own personal interest. Either way, you never want to be without insurance for your business when you need it the most, which means now is the time to get it if you don't have any currently.

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   Prudential Retirement Fund - Best 4 Methods to Find Leads Online   GIC's Offer Predictable Investment Returns - And Some Have Insurance Benefits Too   

How and Why Buyers Make Decisions

An hour ago I just finished a remote sales meeting for one of my favorite clients. Our program allows us to work with people off site through webinars, teleconference, and one on one coaching calls, so the producers there know me well. I was talking about the dynamics of what happens on your appointments with your buyers and what motivates those buyers to buy from ME.

I went through a series of slides on the way a person's mind works. Forget thinking of this other person as a prospect, suspect, object, I don't care what training you've had. Get away from some of the canned sales rhetoric and see this person, as well, a person. Your "buyers" are just regular people who buy, or make decisions every day, just like you.

In fact, I bet you've made several hundred buying decisions just in the past week. Don't think so? Well, how about this... It's Friday morning, you're already tired and beat. It's been a long week already; you get in your car to leave for the office, and what? Of course! Your wife has driven your car and left the gas on "E" AGAIN! Urrggh. So, do you take her car? No, just stay where you are, you'll get gas on the way home tonight after work. Flying to make it in time for the 9:00 meeting, there's an accident up ahead. Sheesh, here we go... off at the next intersection you take the side streets, weaving in and out of traffic and slide into home at the closest parking space to the front door. You walk in, okay, breathe a sigh of relief. It's 8:45, time to get a cup o' Joe, sit down, shake the mouse, and check any voice mails. Ahhh, it's Susan, your newest client, so you guess you'll get a quick call in before the Sales Beating...

How many decisions do you think you've made already? Well, in the real world, several dozen and it's not even 9:00 a.m.! ohh, and when you DO drive home, you are quickly reminded of your empty fuel tank when "DING" the little gas pump shows up on your dashboard display. Where will you buy gas? Shell and BP [oops, not a good example, let's try again] Shell and Exxon [hmmm] okay, Shell and Chevron are your choices. Shell is at $2.72 and on the right side of the road, Chevron is $2.69.

All of us buy things or buy decisions, all day long. This is also what it's like for your buyers. Those people you are calling on, they are looking for something they think or feel could be better than what they have now. If you can't connect with them and their interests, you're likely not going to get very far.

We like to bad mouth the gecko, but "15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance" and a cute little mascot that even 4 year olds can recognize has won over millions of people. Why? Because for a small amount of effort, a person can get a big potential return.

How are you approaching the thought of talking to people about the why's of working with you? WHY is an emotional proposition, and people buy based on the emotions they feel. Whether it "just feels right" or, I don't know, Joe, something about him just doesn't sit well with me".

What if you were to just sit down with people and say something like, "Brian, you know, the way I see insurance is no different than the way I see everything else, whether it's buying a new set of tires for my truck, a new pair of shoes, or where I'm taking my client to lunch this afternoon. Really, it's as simple as the thing I buy, the person I'm going to buy it from for the price I'm gonna pay."

With those tires, I'm thinking of the balance between what I'm paying for the tread life, warranty, chain of stores who'll give me the free flat repair, all of that. Oh, and are they shooting straight, friendly, and interested in my business. [Interesting how even in tough times that people still choose to be indifferent, isn't it?]

If I'm speaking with insurance buyers, here's a little of how I teach producers to talk:

"So, for starters, since I know the numbers are very important to all of us right now, I'm going to leave that one for last." "We'll get there, but just not yet." "First, I'd like to just listen to you and what's important to you. What kind of expectations do you have from your insurance people for the amount of money you pay? How long have you been with those guys? And what kind of result for your money do you want from the company people?"

You see, just like you driving home from work looking for the best gas station, your buyer is going to weigh options based on how THEY make decisions everywhere else in their lives, NOT on how YOU make decisions. In fact, your buyer may tell you it's all about the price, but in truth, none of us really buy anything from anyone we don't like.

There is a lot more here to discuss, so we'll do that next month.

REVENUE WORK: use the technique I showed you above. Draw the three circles on a sheet of paper for the client. The thing they bought. The person they bought it from; for the price they paid. Remember over 65% OF THE POPULATION, yes that's most of you and your buyers, are VISUAL learners. They want to see something. Map it out this way, and talk about THE PERSON - them, and the incumbent agent/broker relationship first. You'll be glad you did.

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   Prudential Retirement Fund - Best 4 Methods to Find Leads Online   GIC's Offer Predictable Investment Returns - And Some Have Insurance Benefits Too   

How To Hire And Keep A Good Producer

Hiring good people can be easy - if you know what to really look & listen for.

The average insurance agent today is well over 45, and we have discussed the growing need to bring a new generation into the industry for a long time. I have seen a lot of things stop independent agency owners from creating their own retirement plan. TIME seems to be #1 - agency owners are busy retaining and growing their own book of business and have little time or skill in training new producers. Not having a plan is a close second, followed with not knowing "how to". There is often recognition when it's too late, when those agency owners realize that they want to retire in 5 years and have little alternatives other than selling out to large conglomerates.

Most of us don't prepare well or think much about the interview until the applicant is standing at the door. Using some of these tips will help you become more keenly aware whether the person in front of you has the ability to follow through as a successful producer.

In addition, here are some step by step ideas for finding a good fit for your organization:

#1. Instead of running an ad in the paper, consider ASKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS. Have your team at the office bring a list of 3 names of good people they trust to next week's meeting. Along this line, make an announcement at the next Rotary, Lions, or community leads group meeting, or ask some of your largest/closest insured relationships. BE CLEAR about the kind of qualities you are looking for in a person. Offer incentives, like cash, for their recommendations. After 30 days, $100, after 90 days, $250 or something similar. - Here's another idea: why not e-mail your local trade associations with a one page document asking for referrals for this new hire. Include your offer for (a) financial incentive (b) qualities you are looking for and (c) requirements of the job. This can be posted in house or out to the membership directory. You can offer the same financial incentive OR how about offering to host/cater that referring company's next employee Bar B Que? Hosting an employee event and offering a raffle, door prizes, and agency material is a great way to say thank you all while creatively marketing your agency.

#2. CHARACTER COUNTS. Start with your agency values. Identify and list the qualities you value and respect in a person. What kind of organization does your mission statement [or vision statement] say you aspire to be in terms of customer focus, leading edge approach(s), etc. In other words, start with who you say you are and what you say you want to be. You can also open this up in a staff meeting - talk about the kind of person your team would like to work with. Look into other sales organizations in the community and consider broadening your focus.

#3. TEST THEIR ABILITY BEFORE THE INTERVIEW. We all know that one of the traits of successful performers is someone who keeps their promises and follows up. Find out if your potential new producer can show up on time from the beginning. Be more aware of habit patterns from the beginning, as they will tell you about potential red flags in the future. Awareness of broken promises now prevents BIG problems later. For example:

Have a response time on faxing or e mailing resumes. Gain agreement for the applicant to call you on a very specific time on a specific day ["John, will you call me at exactly 3:00 p.m. Wednesday the 20th?" If they do not keep this agreement, what makes you think they will do the same with your potential customers?]

Have them send in some kind of assignment before the interview. Create open ended questions. Ask some sample questions you may want to hear more about in the interview. A sample may be, "what kind of income goals do you have for the next 5 years?" or "how do you think being in the insurance industry will help you achieve your personal and financial goals?" or "what kinds of judgments do you have about insurance agents or the insurance industry?" Did they do what they said they would before the interview even began? If not, this may not be a good fit for your team.

#4. INTERVIEW well. Ask your applicant(s) relevant questions pertaining to ethics, work habits and problem solving situations that you face in the insurance industry ~ questions that will tell you about this person's judgment. Have a value-based questionnaire with essay sections for them to complete. A sample question could be, "One of the biggest challenges in our industry agency is taking the commodity out of insurance - not making everything all about price. What kind of approach would you use to bring more value to our prospects and customers in their insurance buying decision?" Another sample question, "you are swamped with paperwork, insurance education classes, new training, prospects, appointments and commitments with your new job but you are also being told to get along with the service team. They are there to help you service clients, but you don't have any clients to service YET. You are responsible for producing revenue for the agency and your own family. How do you juggle the demands of the new job and become a "team player' at the same time?"

In addition, have some of your key staff interview the applicant(s). Would they [or you] buy insurance from the person sitting across from them? Listen to your instincts (and your staff). Someone who is energetic, teachable and willing will likely give you more return than someone who has a polished speech or resume.

#5. Find TOOLS that can assist. There are a lot of testing products out there, and a couple that are best known. Create your own questionnaire first to weed out applicants before investing in the more costly ones.

#5. Establish a time-phased TRAINING program. Assign a "buddy" to the new hire based on personality and aptitude, not necessarily experience or years in the agency. Some of your most experienced staff are not necessarily the best teachers. Have your new hire sit with staff to learn about agency technology, input and communication. Then create a list of questions for insurance companies - have them make calls to find out what each carrier is writing in your particular state (not the region) and what they really expect from a new employee. Talk about the importance of writing good business - and explain what "good business" means. Give specific examples. Create a simple flow chart of how insurance works, from the insured request to agency quoting process and carrier expectations. Explain the quoting process via automation vs. formal submissions. Talk about what should be in a cover letter to a carrier, and letters of engagement to potential customers.

Assign seasoned producer ride-alongs. Ask the new hire to come up with a list of things they want to know, judgments they may be developing, and personal concerns. If the agency principal is unwilling or unable to train personally, assign a producer or manager that is. Track progress (activity) weekly. Question without interrogation. Ask how things are going, what is working, what is not every 30 days. Have a time specific BY WHEN plan for changes. Talk about challenges, training ideas, improvements and suggestions the new hire has for the agency (you may find some great ideas and some helpful feedback along the way).

Call or e-mail for more information on some of our free interview tools and coaching tips. (208) 316-7656, or

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   Prudential Retirement Fund - Best 4 Methods to Find Leads Online   GIC's Offer Predictable Investment Returns - And Some Have Insurance Benefits Too   

Choosing Your Insurance Leads

Gathering insurance leads or commonly known as insurance lead generation can be a pain in the neck for insurance agents especially if they lack the ideas and strategies upon getting one. Taking for consideration that insurance is one of the most important things that every individual should have, it somehow looks very easy to gather leads. However, as what I've said earlier, if you lack the skills and ideas upon how to collect insurance leads, then it would not be easy for you.

There are different types of insurance companies nowadays and each insurance provider requires a different lead. That is why, as an insurance agent, it is required that you have knowledge about the needs of people who can be potential leads. Here are some of the types of people which can be considered as potential clients.

Newly Weds - People who are newly weds are the ones that are most likely to need insurance. Putting into consideration that they are about to have a family, they will surely need protection and security for their health, properties, and for other unexpected incidents. That is why, it could be helpful to read the local newspaper because normally, especially in small towns and cities, the names of newly weds are listed in it. Not only that but there is also a lot of helpful information there such as their address and contact numbers. If you happen to find one, don't hesitate! Grab your phone and start talking to them with regards to their insurance. Entrepreneurs - People who are planning to establish their own business requires insurance for their venture's protection. That is why, entrepreneurs should never be out of your prospect list. Public Servants - These people are normally the ones that are well-known by the public. However, there are also other types of public servants which you can offer insurance. Soldiers for example, are never sure if they can still come back to their homes after battle. That is why, you ought to offer them insurance so that they can be assured that their family would be properly taken care of if ever that they pass away because of war.

Pet lovers - There are people who take care of their pet up to the fullest extent that they consider these animals as parts of their family. These people are most likely to get a pet insurance for the wellbeing of their animal. One of the things that you can do to be able to track down pet lovers is by seeking the help of pet shops in your area. By doing this, the owners of the shop will then forward potential insurance leads to you because there is also a great possibility for pet buyers to ask the pet store owner for any insurances that thy know.

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   Prudential Retirement Fund - Best 4 Methods to Find Leads Online   

Three Benefits of Buying a Long-Term Care Policy

Very few people these days ever consider buying insurance for future events. While it's difficult to convince people to purchase life insurance to take care of their loved ones after their death, convincing people to purchase a long-term care policy is even more difficult. But if you point out the benefits that they can receive with a long-term care (LTC) insurance policy, it may not be as difficult to convince them of this important need as you may think.

Benefit #1: Personal Savings is No Longer Enough There was a time when your personal life savings may have been enough to pay for your long-term care, or at least for awhile. But with the cost of health care increasing at two times the rate of inflation, your retirement savings is no longer enough to pay for your care if you ever become unable to take care of yourself. Just living in an assisted living facility for a year can cost at least $30,000. That's more than a year's salary for many people! Living in a nursing home costs even more than that.

Benefit #2: Not Depending on Medicare or Medicaid Coverage Many people have the notion that the federal government - through Medicare and Medicaid - will pay for their long term care. While this is mainly true for those over 65 on a fixed income, there are many things that these two health welfare programs will not cover. In most cases, patients are still responsible for co-payments and other costs associated with their cared through Medicare. There are also limits to the amount of care that any given patient can receive. While these regulations vary between states, the complete cost of care is almost never covered even when the patient is eligible for both of these programs.

Benefit #3: Reduced Stress As you grow older, long-term care insurance premiums are likely going to increase. Combine that with the rate of inflation and rising insurance costs and you could pay a lot more on your premiums if you wait a few years. But by purchasing a long-term care policy right now, you can get the best rates and start resting easier assured in the fact that you will have funds available to take care of you properly in the event that you are unable to take care of yourself.

When talking to people about why they should purchase a long-term care insurance policy, these are just three of the benefits that should go into your pitch. There are many misconceptions that people have about Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs that are designed to help low-income people who are unable to take care of themselves. But many of the ideas are just that - misconceptions. When they hear the truth, they will be more likely to purchase a policy to protect their assets for their heirs and give them the coverage they need to get ample medical care in their old age. And if they never need it, they can consider themselves lucky.

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   Prudential Retirement Fund - Best 4 Methods to Find Leads Online   GIC's Offer Predictable Investment Returns - And Some Have Insurance Benefits Too   

The Beauty of Lead Generation Telemarketing for Insurance Firms

Insurance, what can we do without it?

Simply speaking, the word 'insured' can be found within the term insurance. In other words, the service allows people and businesses alike to be insured of payment from all sorts of uncertain loss. Some examples of the many types of insurance include:

auto insurance

health insurance

home insurance

accident insurance

casualty insurance

credit insurance

and many more

Being insured is a top priority for many as it will lessen out their worry about footing the bill or at least a part of it. Take hospital bills for example; we do not know when accidents will strike. Unfortunately, when it happens, it happens and people are left with the worry of paying the large hospital bill. But when a person has signed up for an accident insurance plan, a hefty sum of the bill will be paid by the insurance company.

However, contrary to popular belief, insurance firms have it hard in convincing people, let alone those that own businesses, to opt for their services. In generating leads for these firms, it can become the most difficult marketing encounter they can ever face. A number of reasons as to the existence of this high level of difficulty. Some of which are:

not everyone wants to be insured or is not interested in the service

the wrong type of insurance is being sold to the wrong market

they are already insured by another company

These are but a few of the many reasons as to why insurance firms find great difficulty in generating quality insurance leads. Therefore, the firm needs to find a way wherein they can grab the attention of potential clients while keeping up with the competition. In other words, the two main aspects that are needed of the marketing campaign are speed and precision.

To get these two much needed assets, insurance firms should do well in outsourcing their lead generation campaign to a telemarketing company. Let us take a look at why outsourcing to professional telemarketers uphold both speed and precision for their lead generation campaign.


Telemarketers can call potential clients by the hundreds on a daily basis. So if the campaign runs for a long period of time, the insurance firm can expect the number of prospects to be contacted to rake up to the thousands by the time the marketing course ends.


Telemarketing companies take charge with the campaign as they make use of their highly detailed and very lengthy list of possible leads. Insurance firms can take advantage of their list as many of today's telephone marketing companies have millions of potential clients for their business that are just waiting to be called.

With the professional aid of these telemarketing companies, insurance firms are sure to acquire the quality leads they need to close more sales. More sales means more income. More income means that the firm will encounter their financial growth a lot sooner than what has been expected. With the acquisition of their quality leads, insurance firms are sure to acquire their own brand of financial success.

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   Prudential Retirement Fund - Best 4 Methods to Find Leads Online   GIC's Offer Predictable Investment Returns - And Some Have Insurance Benefits Too   

Insurance Brokers Ease the Way to Successful Coverage

Using an insurance broker will save clients time and money. With their huge network of insurance providers and companies, insurance brokers can get the best price with the best coverage for each of their customers. Brokers work with many different agencies and providers, whereas insurance agents usually work with only one provider. But, both work on a commission basis to get the best deals for their clients and to settle claims. All brokers require training and in most government jurisdictions there is legislation regarding licensing and operations.

While most people look for services from insurance brokers for their home or vehicle needs, there are also other areas where they are helpful. Life and health insurance are two examples, especially for small employers who cannot offer their employees a plan of their own. The company may even provide additional services such as enrolling the workers. Still other insurance brokers supply investment opportunities. And, not to be forgotten is pet insurance for the four-legged members of the family.

Insurance brokers can get the perfect policy for the home. Whether the clients are home owners or renters who require tenant insurance, it is important to get the best coverage they can for the lowest price. But first the clients need to ensure they are working with a reliable insurance broker. They should look on the website for satisfied customer testimonials. They should check with the Better Business Bureau to ensure there are no claims against the broker. Asking for referrals from friends, family and fellow workers can also be a good way to choose a broker. And use online resources too, such as those which compare insurance broker(s) and their rates. Quite often quoting a rival's lower premiums will force a broker to match it.

Next, clients want to be assured the insurance broker is listening to them. He or she should also be helping by suggesting how to reduce risks. A simple example would be the investment of a steering wheel lock, the addition of which will bring down the monthly premium. As well, if they use transit or work from home, they will get a reduced rate when compared to clients who commute many miles to and from work every day. And the broker should give good advice on new vehicle purchases, such as the higher premiums which will result if a luxury car is purchased as compared to a modest sedan.

Insurance brokers who are selling home owner's coverage need to ask a lot of questions. Do clients have security alarms? What type of roof? What is the risk from fire, freezing pipes or floods? The answers to these questions may reduce or increase premiums.

Clients can do a lot to decrease their premiums as well. If they combine their home and vehicle policies with the same company, they often get a discount. If they stay with the same company for many years, their premiums should reflect their loyalty. And, if they maintain a clean driving record without any traffic tickets for speed or driving under the influence of alcohol, they will have lower rates.

Finally, do not be afraid to get quotes from two or three insurance brokers before settling on a policy. Carefully consider the coverage that each will give and the total cost. Protecting personal property is a serious matter!

7 Ways to Find a Reputable Insurance Agent in Florida   Loss Assessor - True Savior of Policyholders   Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster   Buying Different Kinds of Insurance Can Be an Important Part of the Investment Plans   

Contest Advice for Screenplay Writers


There are many screenplay contests available to the aspiring screenwriter. These contests can be a good avenue to getting one's work noticed and/or make a sale. So, it's important to make certain that you have written your screenplay to the best of your ability and according to industry standards.

The most important thing to do for any aspiring screenwriter is to first learn the basic techniques of screenwriting before sitting down to write one. I come across many hopeful writers who think that all it takes to write a script is a good story idea and a lot of explosive special effects. While a good story is important, with or without the special effects, writing that story using proper industry standards is equally important. (Please visit -- Tips for Screenwriters link for further information.)

There are specific techniques to the craft of screenwriting involving everything from act structure to proper screenplay format, which must be followed. It's difficult to write engaging characters, focused plots and entertaining screenplays without having a solid framework in which to bring it all to life.

Before any money is spent submitting your work to a screenwriting contest, it would behoove the writer to first educate himself in the "tools of the trade". There are many, many screenwriting books available as well as workshops and seminars, both online and in live classroom situations. My advice is to take advantage of them. Then, armed with the basics, write, write and then write some more.

Then before submitting your work to any screenplay competition have it copyrighted and WGA registered. (United States Copyright office: Writers Guild of America: [] )

Advice and Suggestions

I am a judge for many contests and as such, have read thousands of TV scripts and screenplays. I can assure you that the winners are chosen because their screenplays or TV scripts contain great stories and are written to industry standards. Therefore, putting your best foot forward is a must. Below are some pointers to keep in mind before you submit your screenplay.

· If your purpose is to "break into the business", make certain that the script contest you enter offers meetings with agents and/or producers as part of the prize for winning and not just cash prizes. Of course, if it is just the extra cash you're after, then go for it!

· Make certain, before you write that entry fee check and send in your material, that the screenplay contest or TV script competition is a reputable one and indeed has, in the past, delivered to its winners what it promised in its promotion.

· Presentation of your screenplay does count so make certain your screenplay follows the accepted industry standards. This not only includes using the proper screenplay format but also such things as a typo-free screenplay and the correct binding.

· Keep in mind that the industry professionals who sponsor some of these film and TV competitions do so in order to find good producible material, hopefully for lower rather than higher budgets. Therefore, entering a screenplay in a genre with a story that screams "high budget" lessens the writer's chances of winning. This means that

(1) Sci-fi special effects stories taking place on purple planets populated with giant, paisley-skinned, seven-armed, Plasmanian Wooglegorps who magically float through the air using anti-gravity belts or

(2) a 1920's Period Piece necessitating Model-T's, Zoot suits and flappers or

(3) an action/adventure story that has the bad guys blown to smithereens, along with their Lear jet, over the ocean, followed by a high-tech nuclear submarine underwater search and rescue mission while the oil slicked water burns out of control, may not be the best way to go.

· Make certain that your story is told visually. Film is a visual medium.

· Make sure you don't have "on the nose" dialogue or too much dialogue and that all the dialogue sounds natural.

· Check to make sure that your characters are interesting, engaging and have good character arcs. Nothing worse than having an unlikable hero, a wishy-washy bad guy, or a protagonist who starts out angry at the world and by the end of the story is still angry at the world having learned and changed nothing in his nature.


Once you've gone through your screenplay and are satisfied with it, have it read by someone else. After all, your story is intended for a movie-going audience so honest opinions from friends and family members will give you a feel for that audience reaction.

Then do yourself a favor and have your screenplay read by an industry professional that has experience and good credentials in the area of script analysis. A writer can become too close to his work and not be able to "see the forest for the trees". It is to your advantage to have any possible format, story, character, dialogue and structure flaws found and corrected before it is submitted to a movie or TV script contest.

While there is never any guarantee your screenplay or TV script will be a winner, writing one to the best of your ability and which meets industry standards is a must, as the competition is fierce.

I wish you great success in your present and future story-telling adventures.

Lynne Pembroke


Copyright © 2004 Lynne Pembroke,

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   Contest Advice for Screenplay Writers   Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

Can You Get Toothache Relief Without Going to the Dentist?

When a toothache arrives if you are like most people you would like to avoid going to the dentist. If you are looking for toothache relief you may want to consider some home remedies to give you some immediate help.

These are some things you may want to try to give yourself a toothache treatment to stop the pain.

Iodine is one of the vital minerals in our body which is necessary for the prevention of thyroid problems. It also can be used to stop toothache pain and can be purchased at any drugstore. Just put a drop on the affected area trying your best not to swallow it.

Warm salt water-remember when you got a sore throat as a kid and your mom said to gargle with salt water. You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water and this can give you some relief from the pain.

Oats-Take some oats and place them on the hurting tooth. Bite down for a few minutes. The oats will help draw out any infection that may be in the tooth. After this you should rinse with warm salt water.

Cucumber-This may sound out of the ordinary but take a slice of cucumber place it over the affected tooth and bite down gently. Sometimes it can work to reduce the pain.

Clove Oil-One of the best uses of clove oil is for toothache remedies. It contains eugenol which has been used by the dental profession for decades. It is inexpensive and be purchased over the internet or any health food store.

Ice-In conjunction with any of these toothache remedies you should use ice because it will help numb the hurting tooth and the area around it.

You must remember the home remedies listed above sometimes will offer temporary relief especially if it is just a toothache. This usually is an indication of serious issues in the future especially if the tooth gets infected then you can get into problems.

Possibly one of the reasons you didn't go to the dentist in the first place is that you know with the tooth x ray and filing your out of pocket cost to get your tooth fixed is going to be expensive. How would you like to go to dentist and get this irritating problem taken care of for about $100.

Have you ever heard of a discount dental plan? It is very affordable and with its dental discounts you will never have to worry again about those expensive dental procedures again.

Take a look at the information about the author of this article below. He can show you how to save a bunch of money when you have to go to the dentist.

Dental Insurance Series: Importance of Dental Insurance   Good Dental Insurance for Seniors   Features Of Medicare Dental Plans   Top 4 Dental Insurance Plans - Choose the Right Dental Plan for You   Does Medicare Cover Dental Care?   How Does Dental Insurance Benefit the Policy Holder?   

Search Online for Great Dental Insurance

The internet is a huge warehouse of information on all kinds of topics. Whatever information you need on any topic you can just search online in reliable search engines and you will get access to an enormous amount of information available on these websites. What's more, these websites are updated regularly, so you get the most recent information available.

We are all aware of the importance of dental health. Most of us are only concerned about maintaining pearly white teeth and fighting bad breath but there is more to dental health than that. Apart from the very valid reasons of bad breaths and yellow teeth, other problems like gum diseases, bleeding gums etc can occur. It is caused by bacteria and these can affect your overall health in return. You will not only suffer from a continuous irritating and painful toothache, but you will also stand to experience other fatal problems like heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, chronic kidney problems, premature birth etc. Oral health requires regular visits to the dentist, medications, removal of plaque by scaling, sometimes even surgery. These treatments can prove to be very expensive. Thus many people want to get dental insurance.

Dental insurance makes sure that you invest both your time and money wisely. Time to invest in it ensures you don't lose time procuring money for treatments and also the money makes sure that the expensive treatments and medications are taken care of properly. This dental insurance can cover different types of problems and treatments, for example the process of dental cleaning for extraction of the plaque and tartar by professional dentists may be covered as well. The insurance may also cover the process of teeth extraction which needs surgery and which can also be included in various non-cosmetic surgeries. Dental x-rays are also very important as they reveal the exact conditions of the teeth, some dental insurance might cover dental x-rays. Sometimes when we also need urgent dental care, like in case of injury or an accident. This emergency also includes some dental surgery or teeth replacements that can be covered by insurance.

Search online the best dental insurances which are not only affordable but also covers your specific needs in regards to dental care. Check out the websites of the insurance service providers for more detailed information. Do not delay in getting yourself good dental insurance.

Dental Insurance Series: Importance of Dental Insurance   Good Dental Insurance for Seniors   Features Of Medicare Dental Plans   Top 4 Dental Insurance Plans - Choose the Right Dental Plan for You   

Are You Looking for Some Cheap Dental Work? You Should Get a Discount Dental Card

There may be an affordable dentist out there where you could get some cheap dental work but it doesn't happen too often. In order to receive discount dentistry you are going to need dental insurance or a plan that can offer you a discount dental card.

In today's environment everyone is keeping a close watch on their finances. Dental insurance may not be an option for most people since it can be expensive. Since this is the case this article will focus on options where you can simply go to the dentist present your card and get the lower cost dental help you need.

So what are some of the benefits you can expect from your discount dental card? Probably the best benefit is that it is very affordable whether you are an individual or a family. You will probably get the cost of the card back in money savings the first time you use it at the dentist.

You will have thousands of dentists to choose from that will accept your card. Likely you will find many in your area. All you have to do is a zip code search to find well established dentists in your area.

Another benefit your dental card will offer you is substantial savings when you visit the dentist office. Your discount on your dental services can be as high as 60 percent.

There is a lot of flexibility on which card you should choose. Just go on the internet and find a website that will allow you to search for discount dental plans. The site you choose should offer you over 30 plans to choose from.

Choose a plan that will give you the benefits you desire and since most of the plans are very affordable it will probably fit into your budget. You will be able to download your discount dental card immediately.

So your new card should fit right in with your future dental visits. It will be very affordable which will allow you to use it for many years. You will have a good choice of dentists in your area and the discounts you will receive will put money back into your pocket each time you go to the dentist.

If you would like some help in finding a discount dental card the author of this article can point you in the right direction to help you gather all the information you need in making your decision. You can find this information in the following paragraph.

Dental Insurance Series: Importance of Dental Insurance   Good Dental Insurance for Seniors   Features Of Medicare Dental Plans   Top 4 Dental Insurance Plans - Choose the Right Dental Plan for You   Does Medicare Cover Dental Care?   How Does Dental Insurance Benefit the Policy Holder?   

Teeth Are Important, So Have Dental Insurance

As many of us thought that health is important, we should consider that oral hygiene is important as well. Most people say that they don't really need dental insurance since their teeth is working just fine, but what about others? There are others who experience problems, cavities, soft gums, and other problems with their teeth. Knowing that brushing your teeth would make it clean, but you can't keep yourself from preventing pain in your gums as most experience bleeding gums when they are brushing their teeth. Stores have products that can help your oral hygiene but you can't help the fact that some of the products aren't any of help at all. Even when you brush your teeth every day it wouldn't keep them from cavities. This can be due to the wrong eating habits. A wrong eating habit which means your teeth cannot clean it and still end up getting cavities later.

That being said, there are some people who have weaker teeth than the others. So what they do is get the right dental insurance plan so that it wouldn't cost a lot of money when they go to the dentist to have their teeth cleaned or repaired. Dental may be quite expensive even when you have to pay from your own pocket. So to make sure that you have the right plan needed so that you wouldn't pay an amount that can result in an empty wallet. Those who are prone to get teeth problems are mostly children, since it has been a habit that they usually eat sweets like candies or lollipops and don't follow up in brushing their teeth. This ultimately results to cavities, which would mean another costly payment for their parents.

Some parents lack the dental plan for their family, since they opt for "more serious" insurances. This is wrong. Getting into an accident sometimes require dental surgery alongside other medical procedures to order to save your life. Without dental insurance, you will still be paying a lot of money out of your own pocket for dental services plus the operation. This is completely avoidable if you have dental insurance. In the meantime there are most parents that have their kids take their dental needs and tend to buy them dental insurances. Parents can be protective when it comes to their children and it they are right in doing that.

You wouldn't have any problems today since there are many dental insurances that have discounts and offers that can truly suit your needs. A little rounding up some quotes and comparing hem would be hard, but hey you can compare them and pick the best one for you or your children. Being healthy is good but it isn't healthy if your tooth isn't well. That is why you should take care every inch of your body because each part has its own contribution.

Dental Insurance Series: Importance of Dental Insurance   Good Dental Insurance for Seniors   Features Of Medicare Dental Plans   Top 4 Dental Insurance Plans - Choose the Right Dental Plan for You   

Public Liability Insurance - A Response To Public Bumbling

Public liability insurance is a type of insurance that protects you, as a business owner, against any damages or harm that might befall any members of the public whom you interact with when they are on your premises or using your equipment.

This is an important type of insurance, even for "one man band" types of businesses. Due to the fact that litigation is running rampant in the western world, and the fact that many lawyers are more than happy to take cases on contingency basis, you could be opening yourself up for a world of hurt if you are not covered.

You may think you don't have anything to worry about, but you might be surprised at the lengths people will go to in order to try and get money from a business due to injuries they supposedly suffer on a business's property.

Public liability insurance (public indemnity insurance), or professional indemnity insurance, will protect you if someone decides to trip over a piece of lint on the floor. Or, if they accidentally jam the end of a paperclip into their hand. Multiple times.

You may think you're safe, but what about if a wandering circus elephant decides to bumble onto your property and try to eat your fax machine? Or if someone chokes on one of the little mints you leave out? It could happen.

Professional indemnity insurance also covers those in other professions, such as contractors, doctors, plumbers, lawyers (yes, even them), and brokers. These individuals can be sued if they are found to be negligent in the advice they give, or perhaps fail to give. This is why this type of insurance is very important.

Just remember, people can and will sue for any number of reasons. If you are a plumber, you may have someone sue you because you forgot to tell them that they shouldn't flush twelve pounds of glue down the toilet. They probably won't win, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.

A contractor may have someone press litigation on them because they burned their house down after falling asleep with a cigarette burning but think that the fire was caused because you had the audacity to use wood beams for structural support.

While all of these scenarios may sound ridiculous, it is not too much to assume that there are members of the public who will go to any lengths to get money in unscrupulous ways. They do this by preying on business owners or professional folks if they think that they can get money from them, or if they think that they can do enough damage to make the person settle out of court to spare further expense or embarrassment. Often, these people are counting on the fact that you may find it less expensive to pay them to in effect go away.

So check into public liability insurance or professional indemnity insurance. Being covered could save you a lot of money and heartache in the long run.

Ways to Reduce Risk Sharing Expenses   Protect Your Business With Public and Product Liability Insurance   Vacant Property Insurance   Contract Surety Bonds   A Guide to Getting the Best Business Liability Insurance Quote   

Facts About Fleet Motor Insurance

For businesses that do a lot of driving, or own multiple cars, for example a pizza delivery business, it can be much cheaper to opt for fleet insurance than regular automobile insurance. This provides for a single policy for all commercial automobiles, regardless of their make, and you can choose to either offer uniform coverage, or customize the coverage for each individual car or group of cars depending on what your needs and usage are.

In order to get fleet insurance for your company, any and all drivers must have a valid drivers license. This means it cannot be suspended, expired, or revoked. Instead of checking with the Department of Motor Vehicles, when applying for the policy the future policyholder must list all possible drivers of the vehicles, and must also list all traffic violations for each individual, as well as their drivers license number. This information is part of what the insurance company will use to determine the cost of your policy.

The type of coverage you can get varies depending on state laws as well as the insurance companies regulations. You can choose to have the same coverage for all vehicles, or can have different types of coverage on different vehicles. Many companies do require a minimum amount of coverage, and depending on the nature of the driving, certain types of coverage may be required that go beyond just liability.

For fleet insurance, the major discount you can get is a multi-car discount, but there may be other discounts your insurance company can provide if you just ask. Many apply discounts based on the drivers, for example if they have taken any safety or defensive driving courses, these may apply for discounts, and also safe driving habits of the drivers. The more traffic violations and problems your drivers have, the higher your premium will be, so it can be very beneficial to ensure the people you are hiring are cautious and safe drivers. You can often times get a cheaper rate if your cars are equipped with alarms and immobilizers that prevent the car from being stolen.

Other factors that determine how much your policy will be include the size of the vehicle based on weight as well as what its intended use will be, for example whether it will be used for deliveries or hauling. Fleet insurance can save businesses a lot of money under the right circumstances, so if your business does a lot of driving, this may be one option to consider.

Ways to Reduce Risk Sharing Expenses   Protect Your Business With Public and Product Liability Insurance   Vacant Property Insurance   Contract Surety Bonds   Tradesman Tools And Equipment Risks And Insurance Cover   Electrician's Insurance - What You Should Know   

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